We salute all Mums!

We support Mums - Legal Solutions NZ

“My mother is pure radiance. She is the sun I can touch and kiss and hold without getting burnt”, Sanober Khan

We enjoy meeting and assisting mums from all walks of life; busy working mums, busy at home mums, and busy grandmothers playing the role of mum.

We are here to support mums in need. Sometimes their stories are simple and sometimes they are heart-breaking.

Here in the Family Team at Legal Solutions, we organize Protection Order applications for mums living in fear. We organize Parenting Order applications for mums (and dads) who need some assistance to keep their children’s lives as smooth and organised as possible after a separation.

In times of stress and trauma, mums need double the strength and sometimes feel like they want to do more to help, protect and be great role models to their children. We are here to support you, and we understand the complexity of the emotions felt at these times. Everyone is in their unique situation and your feelings are real.

“There is no way to be the perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one.” Anon

Our team has great experience in many different scenarios, and with the assistance of the conveyancing team, we can be a one-stop shop for your legal needs.

We have a lot of mums here at Legal Solutions. I salute you for all you do for your children, whether you work in an office, at home, in the emergency services or you are retired, you never stop being a fulltime-mum.

“Perhaps it takes courage to raise children”, John Steinbeck. East of Eden